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Technological progress and business tools

The Patent: technological contribution in exchange for exclusivity

Patents protect technical innovations that are new, inventive, and industrially applicable. The registration of a patent grants a legal exclusivity until the 20th anniversary of the filing date, without prejudice to the provisional protection conferred from the date of publication of the patent application. Pharmaceutical and phytosanitary products may enjoy an additional period of protection through so-called supplementary protection certificates.

Utility models (sometimes referred to as small patents) have a duration of 10 years and cover inventions consisting of giving a product a configuration, structure, or composition from which some practical advantage in its use or manufacture results.

Patent prosecution and Patent filling

There are three routes to process and register a patent, often complementary to each other.

National route

In accordance with the Patent Law

European route

Under the European Patent Convention (EPO)

International route

Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

National Patent vs.
European Patent

As regards the legal title, two types o patents are effective in Spain: national patents granted by the SPTO and European patents granted by the EPO. For a European patent to be effective in Spain, it must be validated by means of a translation of the patent document.

The defense of patents
before the Courts

As far as legal proceedings are concerned, it is worth noting the existence of certain Commercial Courts in Spain, which in recent years have specialised in handling patent matters (e.g infringement and invalidity). This is very appreciated among specialists in the field due to the great complexity, both technical and legal, entailed by legal matters in this area.

Patente nacional vs. Patente Europea

En lo que hace al título jurídico, en España gozan de eficacia dos tipos de patentes, las patentes nacionales que concede la OEPM y las patentes europeas que otorga la EPO. Para que una patente europea surta efectos en España es preciso su validación mediante la traducción del folleto de la patente.

La defensa de las patentes ante los órganos judiciales

En lo que hace a los procedimientos judiciales, es de destacar la existencia de ciertos Juzgados mercantiles en España que en los últimos años se han especializado en la tramitación de asuntos de patentes (e.g. infracción y nulidad), lo que es muy bienvenido entre los especialistas en la materia debido a la gran complejidad, tanto técnica como jurídica, que normalmente conllevan los asuntos judiciales sobre esta materia.

We help you

If the advice of specialists is necessary for all types of Intellectual Property, in patent matters such support becomes indispensable due to the complexity and particularities of this type of rights.

At YUNIKA LAW we offer comprehensive advice on patent matters. Our specialized lawyers are able to provide answers to all the questions and vicissitudes that may arise regarding inventions and their legal treatment.

Te ayudamos

Si el asesoramiento de especialistas resulta necesario para todas las modalidades de propiedad industrial e intelectual, en materia de patentes dicho soporte se torna indispensable dada la complejidad y particularidades de este tipo de derechos. En YUNIKA LAW ofrecemos un asesoramiento integral en materia de patentes. Nuestros abogados especializados están en disposición de ofrecer respuesta a todos los interrogantes y vicisitudes que puedan surgir en torno a las invenciones y a su tratamiento jurídico.

Our Patent Experts

We have a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience and familiarity with different technical fields that is more than prepared to offer the support our clients need to maneuver in the intricate world o patents of invention.


We are fully prepared to answer your questions and attend to your legal needs. We can help you.