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Promote the uniqueness of your products and services in the marketplace


Thanks to advertising, a mantacturer of kitchen knives, like the ones we all have in our homes, is able to show them to the public as if they were the most powerful cutting weapon in the world. And that is exactly what advertising is all about: creating campaigns to stimulate the purchase of a product so that it becomes the product of choice for the end consumer.

Adequate legal advice on advertising begins already in the gestation of the campaign, paying attention from the beginning to compliance with the applicable legal regulations. Otherwise, the campaign may be paralyzed or even withdrawn, which means serious economic consequences for the company.

For this purpose, special consideration should be given to the campaign’s media, since it is a determining factor in its ultimate success.

Since the legal consequences of an advertising campaign affect multiple other aspects of the business, proper legal advice will require, in addition to legal knowledge, technical knowledge that should also be present in the analysis of the case in question.

The legal rules that make up Advertising Law are quite modern and are in constant evolution. Both at international and european level, as well as at national level, new rules continue to be published with the purpose of regulating new aspects of advertising.

The specific rules applicable in this area are focused on regulating the modalities of illegal advertising, i.e.,misleading, confusing, illegal comparative, indirect, denigrating or aggressive advertising. In addition, there are certain types of advertising that require special attention due to the restrictions they receive, i.e., advertising aimed at children and advertising of special products such as tobacco, alcohol, medicines, financial and banking products, lotteries and gambling.

Publicidad square

New digital channels

In order to provide adequate legal advice, we cannot forget that the chosen medium to disseminate commercial communications is a determining factor in the legal analysis required for the commercial promotion itself.

For some time now, more traditional advertising, understood as that which was broadcasted in the press, advertisements on physical media such as billboards or marquees, television and radio, has been displaced to the background by digital advertising, which is advertising on corporate websites, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blogs, email lists, text messages, etc.

Today’s forms of advertising offer very concrete advantages for entrepreneurs. The most obvious one is the reduction of the economic cost necessary to create the campaign. We can all imagine the cost of a Google Ads campaign, and compare it with the cost of acquiring the necessary rights to broadcast an advertising spot in a private audiovisual channel during the halftime of a sporting event of worldwide interest. Not only this lower cost is an advantage, but also the increased reach of the campaign, as digital media has a global reach; and the possibility of personalizing commercial communications, through appropriate technological tools to capture the tastes and preferences of each end consumer.

We can help you

Therefore, in order to provide adequate legal advice on Advertising Law, it will be necessary to have expert professionals of the digital world, with technical knowledge of the broadcasting system in addition to solid legal knowledge, also in related matters such as:

At YUNIKA LAW we have professionals with extensive experience and recognized prestige to provide 360-degree legal advice during all phases of the creation and dissemination of the campaian:

And, of course, our advertising lawyers will also assume the representation of the legal rights and interests entrusted to them before all the institutions of the Administration, the competent Courts and before any private entity competent for the resolution of conflicts in this area including AUTOCONTROL.

Por tanto, para prestar un asesoramiento legal adecuado en materia de Derecho de la Publicidad, será necesario contar con profesionales expertos del entorno digital, con conocimientos técnicos del sistema de difusión además de sólidos conocimientos jurídicos, también en materias afines como:

En YUNIKA LAW contamos con profesionales de dilatada experiencia y reconocido prestigio para prestar un asesoramiento legal a 360 grados durante todas las fases de creación y divulgación de la campaña:

Y, por supuesto, nuestros abogados especialistas en publicidad asumirán la representación de los derechos e intereses legales que se le encomienden, ante todas las instituciones de la Administración, los Tribunales competentes y ante cualquier entidad privada prepuesta a la resolución de conflictos en esta materia, incluida AUTOCONTROL.

Our Advertising Law Experts


We are fully prepared to answer your questions and attend to your legal needs. We can help you.